New music podcasts (interspersed with comment)

Congratulations Beats Clubber, for you have navigated to the most prolific place on this website – and perhaps even the entire internet.

What you have before you is the Bristol Beats Club podcast archive. To clarify, said podcasts revolve around cutting edge and classic indie, electro and indietronica music interspersed with idle chit-chat and the odd arbitrary interview – so if that’s your thing, dig in.

Each podcast is different (obviously), but featured artists might include the likes of Bloc Party, Crystal Castles and alt-j. Plus, you’ll get new tunes from up-and-coming indietronica artists such as Pale Hands, Fickle Friends and Vallis Alps… and such knowledge will help you look cool in front of hipsters.

The interviews? Well, they’ll be with the likes of Catfish & the Bottlemen and Half Moon Run, London Grammar and Fenech-Soler. And, of course, we’ll throw in the odd up-and-coming-artist interview, too.

So what are you waiting for? Listen.

(Oh, one quick note: we don’t always have the rights to play tracks in their entirety, so if you wanna hear all the new music, you’ll need to put in a bit of your own legwork. And by that we mean searching Google for a featured artist and clicking play. Which you should really be able to manage.)

Crowd at night at Truck festival 2015-small

Truck Festival Review

Ladies and gents, in this one-off, very special, Bristol Beats Club podcast, we review Oxfordshire’s Truck festival. You’ll find an in-depth analysis of Truck Festival’s highlights, including the line up, the food, the after hours entertainment and what not to miss. Check it out.

Festival Preview: Best Kept Secret

By the time you’ve read this, Best Kept Secret will need to change its name… Hello there! Nice of you to join us today. I’m sure you’re wondering all about…